
I’m Sorry

Aug 6, 2014

I am so sorry that this post took so long. No one has participated in my poll yet, so I will just post the prologue of my story anyway. Anyway, my anime life has been very active. I have started watching Kuroshitsuji: Book of Circus a.k.a Black Butler: Book of Circus. What I have started watching that is non-anime related is Grimm. i finished all 3 seasons and I can’t wait until season 4 comes out. I am soooo excited. I have it marked on my calendar. Do any of you who read my blog like this show? If you do, please tell what you are looking forward to in the coming up season. Anyway here is the prologue of my story that I am currently writing.

I’m not exactly what you would call a normal high school student. I can’t tell you my name or any of my friends’ names because it is for your and our protection. We are running from a group of people who want to use us because of our abilities. These people are ruthless and would kill to bring us back in. I’m writing down all of my experiences so I can get the word out to the world. I have on tip for you; be careful who you trust.

I hope that you liked that. The story is called Exploring My Mind. I’ll post the next chapter later. Have a nice day! (^ω^)



My first blog! ( ^ω^ )

Jul 24, 2014

This is my first time writing a blog or anything of that sort. I hope you like what I have to say. Anyway, I think that I am going to post my status on books that I am reading and Anime that I am watching. If you have an Apple product, please get the Books and Anime Amino Apps. You can find me on there as well. I guess that I will update you on what I am watching Anime wise. I’m currently watching Sword Art Online, M3 of the Dark Metal, ALDNOAH.ZERO, Mahouka Koukou no Rettousei, (The Irregular at Magic High School) Glasslip, Blade Dance of the Elementalers, and Detective Conan. As you can see, I am watching a lot of anime at the moment. I am also currently writing a story on Books Amino. If you would like, I could also post it on here. Let me know what you think.

Well this is it for today. See you soon. (^ω^)

– Chiyo